Monday, September 29, 2008

The Ides of August

I had a dreadful August the 15th.I woke up with rebellion on my mind...As the nation celebrated its 62 years of independence from the British I was left wondering what we had achieved with this independence. A fair bit of contemplation later...


Patriotism is such an over-hyped emotion nowadays. Patriotism for the majority of Indians involves not missing any India- Pakistan cricket matches and cussing at every single Pakistani and their mothers. I am talking about you- atleast the majority among you who can so easily put imaginary lines on maps between you and another human being. Who gave you the idea that you being on this side of an imaginary line makes you any better than the guy on the other side??I am pretty sure your heart brimmed with patriotic pride and hatred for Pakistanis when u saw the bullet ridden soldier in the last throes of his life pushing an anti-tank mine under a Paki tank in some crappy Bollywood formula film. The sad part about the whole sequence is you and me( I absolutely loved the film when it released). For you patriotism goes hand in hand with irrational pride, hatred for your neighboring countries and also some weird idea that it is your duty as an Indian to make sure India becomes the most powerful country in the world even at the cost of other countries and their citizens. You look upon them as objects, not people. Their loss doesn't concern you as long your country's flag flies the highest. 

Back to the past

We are walking backwards into the age of darkness and chaos although the passage of time gives us the impression of moving forward. Don't believe me??Open your eyes and look around you-political dynasties reminiscent of the days of the Raj, communalism and regionalism at their peaks. I hate to look at what we have made of ourselves- meek factory produced guinea pigs whose one overpowering aim in life is self promotion and the prime mover for any action being selfishness. Most people can't seem to think beyond themselves.  

Individual freedom

I am not an anarchist,not yet. I still have faith there can exist a government whose only reason for existence is to provide for the common good, to ensure all citizens are given adequate opportunities to make a living and choose a path of their liking and interest and to express fully his/her views without fear. A government should not exist for the continuance of the government or the power structure itself . The nation is not greater than any individual living in it and nobody's rights should ever be curtailed for the continuation of the power structure or the system as it is so euphemistically referred to nowadays. The duty of a nation is not towards its territorial integrity but towards its citizens I see lots of columnists lamenting the fact that the major problem with India is that everybody seems to have an opinion on everything. I say they should rightly have an opinion and they should voice it out too but not at the cost of the next person.

The System

The President of India is no greater than I am. He/she is not the ultimate authority on what happens to me, I am. I decide what to say and what to do whenever I want to. I am all too aware of my rights as a free human and I am capable of fighting for them and this is how I choose to do it. The system called the administration of this college is of no consequence to me. It is not above me. It exists for me and not for the continuance of itself. Recently the system called the hostel section decided that it was above the right of free speech of an individual and threw out a friend of mine for speaking out his mind. On enquiring we were told that he challenged the system and hence had to be cast off and his punishment will only be revoked when the "powers that be" feel like it/ have had their powerlust satisfied, when they deem the poor guy broken enough for him never to raise another whimper of protest. 

The system decided that we should not be allowed to have the power of self determination and hence the system revoked elections in this college. The system will probably exact its revenge for dissent one way or the other. but then the choice is simple. Would I rather be meek and deny myself and stay silent or do I do what I know is right...

Am I free? Hell I am....Are you??

p.s One of those Renesa rejects...dint find it cohesive enuf...but i guess on my blog anything goes

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