Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Pretension..thy name is Orkut

Have you ever known real pain?-the kind that makes you want to pull all your hair off at one go? Real pain is when some guy calls you up at 2 in the night and asks you to get his net connection fixed because (of all the godforsaken reasons in the world) orkut is not loading (now you know where all the hair went).The blame, though, lies squarely on my short stint as the LAN secretary of my hostel, the travails of which I’ll describe some other time (I wish this will shed some light on the sad plight of the guy in your hostel who takes care of the LAN and you start to pay more respect to him/her)

Orkut (as we all know) is the place where every one is cool and sexy, where everybody looks like a movie star and/or cute animals, where pretentious idiots1 add friends and scrap total bull randomly. Even I am guilty of the oh-so-unforgivable sin2 of trying to woo maidens with (what I thought was) fancy English and sexed up profiles with a list of all the rock bands that a google search on rockbands would come up with and then some more (I genuinely doubt whether there are as many rock bands as people populate their musical taste space with). Again one of the other sections to showoff ones "cooler than thou" credentials is the movie section. One of the big favorites when it comes to the movies section is SAW. I personally cant believe how people can have such a disturbing movie as a favourite...maybe the guys think it exudes machismo to have pervert movies in your favourites...even girls with all their love of barbie and mushy romantic films seems to have SAW as a favourite-beats me...barbie and the SAW puppet are two poles of the doll dimension, maybe they also think pervert movies in their favourites will make them look ubercool ( the likely-an-MCP apologizes for the likely-to-be-perceived sexist comment) There are no limits to the bull people fill up their profiles with. It’s quite surprising how orkut which is a failure3 and a damp squib of a social networking site with no real USP or niche compared to other networks is still going strong. I hope orkut meets with a painful death and the skeletons forever to be lost in the dark depths of the nether where most defunct and long dead sites lie( anyone remember altavista, aol, netscape or askjeeves??)

Social networking is soon going to be dead (and I’m going to be one of the few happy people for it).Its going to go the same way blogs went-they said everyone was going to have one, but if I was too lazy and bored to update and maintain my own then about 98% of the other people on the net were too. If you want proof- Microsoft bought a part of facebook for a sum that could easily have wiped poverty in the world twice over4. There you have it- absolute, undeniable proof that social networking is dying and we all know how smart Microsoft people are; the blue screen of death and the three button tap dance (Ctrl+Alt+Del) being the only cultural phenomena they have ever been credited with.

To my friends (and competitors in the world domination game), Google and Mark Zuckerberg. You hoped to take over the world while we were searching for profiles of cute females. Better luck next time...your experiment in mass mind control looked good for sometime-the bluff has been called and anyways with Microsoft in the picture you better move onto newer things. They have this thing with screwing up good and viable domination plans- they just take the monopoly thing a bit too far and get sued all over the place.

I will never know any pleasure greater (subject to revision...I hope sex is as good as it is made out to be) than writing an eulogy to the great farce of social networking. This is the beginning.

1. Most of them tend to be the classic losers with no real social life-the type you would generally stay away from in high school.

2. Washed myself clean though with a purge of all the random females I’d added in the short and crazy period of my life I call “the Orkut delusions”.

3. Orkut is a dead network in most parts of the world except for India and Brazil-and I’m pretty sure 90% of all Brazilian profiles are spam profiles with bots that sell Viagra and link to porno. Gotta give it to them though- Pretty bots.

4. They reportedly valued each profile at an average of $725.You definitely know they have IQs comparable to jellyfish when they value your 20 or so fake profiles at a $725 a piece.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


I do not belong to any caste or religion-maybe by birth but not by choice. Does it make me an atheist-perhaps but a nihilist-never. Atheism can never be equated with a lack of morals, rather atheism or agnosticism is the the product of logic and reasoning, the product of a questioning mind- a mind free of dogma and fear, free from the man made chains of sin and the deceptive (and at best romantic) ideas of salvation,heaven and hell-a mind which has learned that the world is not so much in black and white as it is in shades of grey. From here on whenever I speak of atheism I also imply agnosticism and its shoot-offs thereof even including Deism. My wish here is not to disprove the existence of God but rather to strip off and lay naked the ugly entity of so called organized religion or revealed religion, that which masquerades itself as the only way to true salvation and the resultant attainment of heaven while serving only to keep the masses in the dark about the true nature and purpose of life. Organised religion and the resultant caste system is the malignant tumour on society that threatens to spread its cancerous growth until ultimately resulting in the death of its host-civilized society, while at the same time serving the interests of a few people who stand to benefit from it.

For long the atheists have been looked down upon as outcasts and misfits in society with their radical ideas and unquestionable logic that threatened the very foundations of religion and society. But then then he would rather not be part of a society that judges him not on merit or his contributions to the world but on his caste,religion or the colour of his skin. In a world where the morality of revealed faith equals the persecution of innocents, the free thinkers choose their morals based on principles of humanity and common good. Most atheists believe in the innate goodness of human beings and have faith and in the next person's innate morality unless they have been brainwashed by religion and instilled with a false sense of moral superiority which justifies the murder of people of other faiths for their apparent blasphemy and rejection of the 'one true religion' and its God(s).In a world which judges your character by the number of times and the number of temples you visit or the amount of time you spend in a mosque or a church, a person devoid of religion and its prejudices would rather measure it by your dedication to the progress of humanity and your devotion to development of your own faculties of logic and reasoning.

One major challenge that hinders the progress of humanity is a society filled with hypocrisy which refuses to or rather is afraid of taking off its blindfold. It is not the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom but rather the elimination of fear that puts you on the illuminated path. If the world has to progress, society and ultimately all of humanity has to understand that we are here not for the service of any higher being but to be of service to each other and to ultimately ensure the survival of the species and of the environment that supports us.

Religion is the opiate of the masses - the corruption of their minds, the high that they seek in the bliss of ignorance and hallucinations of supernaturalism and magic fuelled by epics and gospels. It is the mad rush to worship god-men and idols that drink milk- the blood spilled in the name of holy land and unfathomable foolishness that justifies Ayodhya and Godhra, Israel and Palestine, 9/11 and Iraq , the "truth” that lies, the undying faith that will be the undoing of the human race.

Isn't it time you stepped out of naïveté and ignorance to that which you know cannot lie to you- your own logic and reasoning? What is it that propels you to debunk cold scientific facts and evidence in favour of Creationism to explain the complexities of nature? Why do you subject yourself to naïve Fideism and willingly fool yourself? Is the high of religion worth it or are you afraid to think?