Saturday, August 04, 2012


A post after a long time. These posts are important not because they keep the blog alive, I might be the only person who reads it, but more so because each of my posts is a mirror to where I am in my life now. Where am I now??
My skills at prose rusted by disuse over the years and yet I think I'm wiser and more mature for the years spent. I am slowly starting to understand what makes our lives worthwhile.. No, I still haven't figured out the purpose of being alive but I now understand what makes it worth the while - there is a huge difference.
My kid sister tells me she is more matured because I disagree with her about the importance of money in our lives. Money is immaterial I try to tell her. She says money keeps you content. Money like good food keeps you happy for a while, in fact money is the most short lived high I have ever known. A couple of days back I had the most money I've ever seen in my account - a full 6 figures and yet the high lasted fur a full 2 minutes. A beautiful woman smiling at me or watching a little kid playing is a high that is infinitely more rewarding. She doesn't know a thing. I don't think she has ever fallen in love.
When I look back, the only things That I remember and cherish are the truly exalting ones like the first major applause and standing ovation I've received, falling in love, the first kiss from a woman, the smell of her hair, the brief moments of consciousness, happy and high lying on a moonlit beach with your friends, the high felt after seeing V for Vendetta for the nth time, the truly great concerts I've attended. Those are the things I truly remember. The rest as they is all Maya - illusions that don't stand the test of time.